Inspiration abounds:

At 92, Gladys Burril ran a marathon.

Diana Nyad swam from Cuba to Florida at 64 (watch her inspiring story on Netflix).

Colonel Sanders started KFC at 65.

John Glenn ventured into space at 77.

Dorothy Davenhill Hirsch reached the North Pole at 89.

Grandma Moses began painting at 76.

Nelson Mandela became president of South Africa at 75.

Julia Child launched her PBS cooking show at 51.

And yes, women over 50 are post-menopausal, but my mission extends to making this journey as vibrant and fulfilling as possible.

Who is behind this blog?

Hi there 👋 Hello, I'm Joanne - Your Guide Through Menopause, Post-Menopause and feeling great!

Welcome to my corner of the web where I'm on a mission to embrace the vibrancy of midlife and beyond, and I'm here to guide you on your own empowering journey. In this blog, we celebrate the incredible success stories of those achieving their peak after 50, demonstrating that experience and wisdom pave the way for our most productive days ahead.

Look around – women over 50 are seizing the spotlight. A 56-year-old is Vice President of the United States, a 64-year-old heads UPS, and at 63, Bonnie Crombie got elected as the New Ontario Liberal Party Leader. Noteworthy is that these accomplishments, shared by millions, unfolded after the age of 50. It's not about just enduring; it's about recognizing that our reservoir of experience and wisdom propels us toward our most impactful days.

The Menopause Maze

My journey into menopause was a maze of confusion and uncertainty. Even my trusted doctor was at a loss, prescribing medication that wasn't quite right. I was reluctant to dive into the depths of internet research, as the overwhelming sea of information can be daunting. But then, finally, I found the solution - a low-dose estrogen and progestogen patch. This simple change transformed my life, leaving me feeling amazing.

More Than a Menopause Maven

Beyond my personal journey, I'm a Transition, Career Strategist, and Performance Coach. I'm passionate about helping people navigate life's transitions, whether menopause, career changes, or personal growth. Sometimes, all it takes is a little nudge to unlock your potential.

My Story - From Dairy Farm to Ottawa

My story began in a small French dairy farm community in Northern Ontario, Canada. I moved to the bustling city of Ottawa at 19, driven by a fearless spirit and a desire to work for big corporations. I embarked on a journey of job-hopping, each position bringing valuable experiences. I discovered that I had unknowingly become an expert in the job search process. Today, I'm a Career Transition Coach, having assisted over 700 individuals in their career transitions.

Embracing Serendipity

I believe in the power of serendipity, and each job I've held has shaped me into who I am today. We carry our past with us, and it's essential to embrace it to move forward.

Menopause and Personal Growth

Menopause, I read somewhere, rewires the brain, shifting priorities from nesting and caretaking to personal growth and equality. In my 40s, I felt a yearning to make a difference. I've been a caregiver my entire life, starting at the tender age of 6 or 7, caring for my younger siblings and baby brother. I continued to care for my parents as life's challenges unfolded.

Becoming a Solopreneur

At 50, I left the world of employment to become a contractual IT recruiter with PriceWater House. Years later, I fulfilled my dream of becoming a solopreneur, first as a recruiter and then partnering with outplacement companies to provide Career Transition Coaching. Remember that serendipity I mentioned earlier? It seems I was uniquely equipped to assist people with their career changes.

Empowering Midlife Professional Women

While I cherish all my clients, the ones who touched my heart the most were professional women in midlife. They often felt defeated, believing they were too old and past their prime to reinvent their careers, change directions, or start a business. While I helped boost their confidence to pursue their dreams, I also wanted to address their mental health and issues like energy and brain fog.

The Missing Puzzle Piece - Menopause Champion

Then I stumbled upon MEG and the "Licensed Menopause Champion" training. It felt like the missing puzzle piece suddenly clicked into place. I embarked on this journey at the beginning of the year, and the information I've gathered leading up to my certification has been nothing short of mind-blowing.

Unlocking the Hidden World of Menopause

I've learned so much about the fundamental aspects of the transformational stages women go through - from opening the box of tampons to reproduction and the eventual closing of that box. It's like discovering a whole new world hidden in plain sight.

Life Beyond 50 - The Menopause Murmur

Now, at age 60, I understand myself better than ever before, and I'm equipped to help professional women in midlife pursue their dreams and live fulfilling lives beyond their 50s.

The Menopause Maze

My journey into menopause was a maze of confusion and uncertainty. Even my trusted doctor was at a loss, prescribing medication that wasn't quite right. I was reluctant to dive into the depths of internet research, as the overwhelming sea of information can be daunting. But then, finally, I found the solution - a low-dose estrogen and progestogen patch. This simple change transformed my life, leaving me feeling amazing.

More Than a Menopause Maven

Beyond my personal journey, I'm a Transition, Career Strategist, and Performance Coach. I'm passionate about helping people navigate life's transitions, whether menopause, career changes, or personal growth. Sometimes, all it takes is a little nudge to unlock your potential.

My Story - From Dairy Farm to Ottawa

My story began in a small French dairy farm community in Northern Ontario, Canada. I moved to the bustling city of Ottawa at 19, driven by a fearless spirit and a desire to work for big corporations. I embarked on a journey of job-hopping, each position bringing valuable experiences. I discovered that I had unknowingly become an expert in the job search process. Today, I'm a Career Transition Coach, having assisted over 700 individuals in their career transitions.

Embracing Serendipity

I believe in the power of serendipity, and each job I've held has shaped me into who I am today. We carry our past with us, and it's essential to embrace it to move forward.

Menopause and Personal Growth

Menopause, I read somewhere, rewires the brain, shifting priorities from nesting and caretaking to personal growth and equality. In my 40s, I felt a yearning to make a difference. I've been a caregiver my entire life, starting at the tender age of 6 or 7, caring for my younger siblings and baby brother. I continued to care for my parents as life's challenges unfolded.

Becoming a Solopreneur

At 50, I left the world of employment to become a contractual IT recruiter with PriceWater House. Years later, I fulfilled my dream of becoming a solopreneur, first as a recruiter and then partnering with outplacement companies to provide Career Transition Coaching. Remember that serendipity I mentioned earlier? It seems I was uniquely equipped to assist people with their career changes.

Empowering Midlife Professional Women

While I cherish all my clients, the ones who touched my heart the most were professional women in midlife. They often felt defeated, believing they were too old and past their prime to reinvent their careers, change directions, or start a business. While I helped boost their confidence to pursue their dreams, I also wanted to address their mental health and issues like energy and brain fog.

The Missing Puzzle Piece - Menopause Champion

Then I stumbled upon MEG and the "Licensed Menopause Champion" training. It felt like the missing puzzle piece suddenly clicked into place. I embarked on this journey at the beginning of the year, and the information I've gathered leading up to my certification has been nothing short of mind-blowing.

Unlocking the Hidden World of Menopause

I've learned so much about the fundamental aspects of the transformational stages women go through - from opening the box of tampons to reproduction and the eventual closing of that box. It's like discovering a whole new world hidden in plain sight.

Life Beyond 50 - The Menopause Murmur

Now, at age 60, I understand myself better than ever before, and I'm equipped to help professional women in midlife pursue their dreams and live fulfilling lives beyond their 50s.

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The silence of menopause is starting to murmur and whisper.

Watch out world, it's going to get loud, and I'm thrilled to be a part of it!

Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

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